July 4, 2013

Beauty SWAP with CRIMEOFASHION (Ireland) [第一ビューティースワップ]

One of the reasons why I wanted to do a blog is because it gives you the opportunity to meet awesome people from all over the world and even share ideas about your passions.
So today, I'm going to talk about my first SWAP with a blogger from Ireland.

  • What's a SWAP ?? SWAPは何ですか
  • A SWAP  is when two people living in different countries send each other a box full of small items containing clothes, beauty products, food, makeup, books, etc. The price has to be the same and it is usually suggested that you mutually decide on a theme before sending your respective boxes.
It is really interesting because you get to discover a variety of products from each other's countries and try them out!

My first SWAP partner : Sara from CrimeOfashion.


Sara is a beautiful French girl who is living in Ireland. She loves art (she is really talented at drawing), and she is a great fashion and beauty blogger.

It was a pleasure to make my first SWAP experience with her!

Let's see what she has sent me!


So excited ! Let's Open it !!!

WOW! So many things inside. I was super excited!

The first thing I liked in this package was the magazine! What a great idea! I'll be sure to send a Japanese magazine to her next time..
  • Eyeshadow: MUA

I can finally test this brand's makeup! Sara is always talking about it in her blog here!

I must say I like it quite a lot! The packaging is really simple and and cool !

The colors are of a shimmery finish. I especially like the pinkish bronze & the brownish blue colors. They actually remind me of MAC's eyeshadows,
  • Lip-cream: Cream Puff - Fairy Cake #3

The "cream puff" lip cream is velvety soft with a matte finish, in a bubble pink color that smells like vanilla cake. Delicious!
I really like this bubble pink color! My lips feel so kissable with this lip cream on, and I love the matte finish as well.
  • Lipstick: MUA - #13

This is my favorite item amongst all the makeup! This red lipstick from MUA looks great with my skin tone. The swatch looks pink on my hand but if you apply two layers it becomes as red as the lipstick.
これはすべての化粧品の中で私のお気に入りのアイテムだ! MUAの赤い口紅は私の肌のトーンと素晴らしく見える。スウォッチはピンクに見えるが、二つの層を適用する場合、口紅のように赤色になる。

  • Lipstick balm : Dr. Balm - Sweet Kiss SOS "Miss Sporty"

The Dr. Balm lipstick enhanced with royal jelly smells really sweet like candy and makes my lips feel so soft! The lipstick balm appears pink but it is actually very opaque with a shimmery finish.

  • Cream blush: MUA - Blush Perfection "Dolly"

I really like the orangish pink color of this blush. Makes my makeup look fresh and girly.
このチークの色がオレンジピンクだ。このを チークカラーを使う時、新鮮まだガーリーに見える。
  • False Lashes : Primark Beauty - Sultry Lashes

I like the name of this Lashes..."Sultry". I can't wait to try it on!
まつげの名前が面白い~ "蒸し暑い"(or "ムンムン"?!) 

  • Mascara : MUA - Black EXtreme Curl 

    A very good mascara. With this mascara my eyes are..."Sultry"! The packaging is pretty too.
    良いマスカラ。このマスカラを使用すると私の目が..."Sultry "!パッケージがカッコいい。

  • Compact powder : 2 true - Be Clear "4"

A mineral compact powder that has immediately found its place in my "SOS Makeup Kit" inside my purse!

  • Pencil eyeliner : 2 True - Twist 'N' Line

A yellow-gold color eyeliner--perfect to add a touch of light to your eyes.
イエローゴールドの色のアイライナー だ。 目に光のタッチを追加するのに最高。

  • Hand & face tissues : NPW - Cherry

These wet wipes smell so good! Like a cherry lollipop. It's small in size so really easy to use. I have put this in my SOS Makeup Kit immediately as well!


I really enjoyed this makeup SWAP with Sara from "Crime Of Fashion"!
It was fun because I got to see what kinds of products are used and/or are popular in Ireland!
実際には"Crime Of Fashion"からサラとこのビューティースワップを楽しんだ!

Thank you, Sara!!!

If you're curious about what I sent to Sara in this SWAP, you can check the post on her BLOG!

You can also follower her on :
Blogspot : http://thecrimeofashion.blogspot.fr/
Facebook : "Crime Of Fashion"
Tumblr : http://thecrimeofashion.tumblr.com/
Twitter/Instagram : @crimeofashion
Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/TheCrimeofashion




  1. This is so interesting!!! You guys should do beauty swaps more often and have people sign up to do it:) that's really cool!!!! love the idea!

  2. I'm so happy you like the box Mélanie ! :) It was such a pleasure for me ♥

  3. this is such a cool idea + that cream puff fairy cake lip cream is such a nice colour

    The October Girl
